GoCarma Featured in Latest Issue of Traffic Technology International

May 21, 2019

GoCarma is featured in the latest issue of Traffic Technology International, in an article entitled “Are HOT frauds laughing at you?”.

High-occupancy vehicle and toll (HOV and HOT) lanes are designed to reward passenger-carrying drivers with faster journey times and discounts. But cheating is rife. Paul Willis looks at the enforcement solutions authorities can use to fight back, from manual checks to automated cameras and the latest in smartphone-based systems.

Read the full article here.

GoCarma is a smartphone app that automatically detects and reports its presence in a registered vehicle. With GoCarma, road users opt in to verify their vehicle occupancy so as to earn HOV toll discounts. Unlike traditional enforcement solutions, GoCarma does not attempt to count the number of people inside cars passing at high speeds. GoCarma’s approach more successfully verifies HOVs, identifies violators and preserves road user privacy.

For more information, please contact sales@gocarma.com.


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